Thursday, June 19, 2008

Learning Environment - Day 5 'D Day'

Today we bring together all what we have shared in our short 5 day module.

As in most processers, we will require to carry out timely Post Implemetation Reviews (PIR's). I guess this is rather similrar to the Inprovenmet process.

We beagan the morning with dicussing about possible GAPS in our assessment , then addressing designing interventions, approaches and strageties that could be used to help address these gaps.

Dr. Quek quickly went through some possible seneiros that covered:

1. Overall and Certain dimentions
2. The condcut of either Interviews or Group discussions
3. Our Intervention plan & tracking processors.
4. Finally, actions that may be carried out if the finding were either, favourable or if
external agencies required to be invoiled to help out.

After a hefty day yesterday we beagn consolidtaing our submissions for Gp 3 project.

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Learning Environment - Day 4

This morning we were awoken with an overview the morning Group asignmet activity.

We first covered :
1. Confirmation of the reserch insrtument WIHIC
2. Administration Surveys
3. Preparing data entry - in EXEL

We again revisited the 2 Q's - Qualitative / Forcus Gp and Quantitaive /Survey approaches and also shraed How to assess a Learning Envoronment using:

1. Rational
2. Reserch Tools
3. Design Methodlogy
4. Findings and Reports
5. Guiding Factors / Rational Improvemets

We were given the guideline of our project, then divided into our groups. I must add that it was a little mind boggling at first.

We began with consolidating both our Prefered and Actual WIHIC forms that we completed the day before. It took a little time to task our group of 7 personal but when we were optimalise by Serene, everything went like clockwork. The consiliadtion for the whole class was completed without a hitch, the Means, Standareds,Diviation. Realibility Ckecks and Scales followed. It was a little more difficult for me to grapsh at first as the lannguage was not what I was acustomed too. I had to ask several questions over and over again. My group was kind enough to lend a ear and explain the process flow to me.

On completing the second stage, we went on to confirm if there were sufficient differences between Actual and Prefered WIHIC forms. We used the Paired 'T' comparison procedure.

On a hold, The Gp project on the Learners perception of a learning environment" is appropriate for beginner to have a good understanding on how a individual could interprete and analyses his data. With reliable data collection and process through both Quantitative and Qualitative analyses, as menthioned above, will enable the researcher to justify his findings with strong and credible evidence.

Learning Environment II- DAY 3

The focus for the day was 2 fold,

1. To modify,customise existing LE instuments and
2. evaluate the appropriate LE instuments.

Reasons for modification included,

1. Validation
2. refraining from re-inveting the wheel
3. maintaining the context and target group

SLE studies included both Qualitative and Quatitative surveys.

Instrumentation dimentions included:

1. Student Support 2. Affiliation
3. Professinal Interest 4. Achievement orientation
5. Self freedom 6. Paticipatory decision making
7. Innovation 8. Resourse adequacy
9. Work pressure

Finally, a re-cap was conducted through a 4 group case study of 3 schools which highlighted strengths and weaknessess in several areas,

Not forgetting Mr James : Help me understand the power of the blogger and other relevant softwares on the internet site is. That the learning enviroment can be made easy with today's Internet Technology. I can now further explore a lot more, sharing and learning with others online for either leisure or work. Other of learning platform introduced to us included a more user friendly in application and access. eg. the WIKI - wetpaint. Understanding how podcast files can be published to update or educate friends and love ones.

Learning Envoronment - DAY 2

Day 2 began with the overview "Asessessing the LE environmnet".
It covered the rationale for the 'WHY' we require to assess the LE environment, to ascertain 'WHAT' to assess and to use QUALITATIVE and QUANTITATIVE appoaches.

It also included What to Assess and the 3 fields included,

How to assess followed with the 3 general approaches of the Learning Environments.

1. The use of trained observers
2. the use of ethnographic & naturalistic inquiry collection methods.
3. the use of pupil and or teacher perceptions through questionaires.

A quick overview and recap through team dicriptions and literture and works of ,

Murray, Moos, Fraser, Lewin amd Wein Burg alowed us to view the inter-realationship of all concerned.

In particular to Team 3, Moo's 3 Scheme, eg,

1. Relationship
2. Personal Development
3. System maintainence and system change.

The day ended with visiting both students and teachers survey forms, alowing us to view and feel how data may be collected, analysed and presented.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Management Profile

It was ensuring to confirm my management style " Commnmading Nature" although it also brought out specific questions about this style. I guess it is due to the nature of our job that we also have to be In-Charge which demands us to also be rather adaptive in nature as well.

Some problems that may occur of has to be considered may be engaging our subodinates that may fear punishment, Gaps may then occur within the Team.

There may also instances of, Lying, Hiding real problems and refranning from admitting mistakes.

Although these may be pecived as worring, it can be easily overcome by Team Building modules.

Learning Envoronment - Day 1

This first day was an eye opener, as I found myself in unfamiliar ground. I now find myself Blogging which is somthing that my kids wanted to teach me but put off for so long, My lost I guess.
Section1 coverd Key Concepts in Understanding a Learning Environment.

The overview included:

1. Key components of LE
Consitutes of a LE envoronment.

2. Inter-relationships of Components of LE
Lewinian's formula and Murray's needs-press model.

3. Various Types of LE.
a. School LE
b. Classroom LE either Physical or a E-learning Envoronment.

4. We also touch on Community centered Learning where the extent of connection between teacher and pupil or a larger community was shared. ( Cognitive, Affective and Phycomotor)