Thursday, June 19, 2008

Learning Environment - Day 5 'D Day'

Today we bring together all what we have shared in our short 5 day module.

As in most processers, we will require to carry out timely Post Implemetation Reviews (PIR's). I guess this is rather similrar to the Inprovenmet process.

We beagan the morning with dicussing about possible GAPS in our assessment , then addressing designing interventions, approaches and strageties that could be used to help address these gaps.

Dr. Quek quickly went through some possible seneiros that covered:

1. Overall and Certain dimentions
2. The condcut of either Interviews or Group discussions
3. Our Intervention plan & tracking processors.
4. Finally, actions that may be carried out if the finding were either, favourable or if
external agencies required to be invoiled to help out.

After a hefty day yesterday we beagn consolidtaing our submissions for Gp 3 project.

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