Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Learning Environment - Day 4

This morning we were awoken with an overview the morning Group asignmet activity.

We first covered :
1. Confirmation of the reserch insrtument WIHIC
2. Administration Surveys
3. Preparing data entry - in EXEL

We again revisited the 2 Q's - Qualitative / Forcus Gp and Quantitaive /Survey approaches and also shraed How to assess a Learning Envoronment using:

1. Rational
2. Reserch Tools
3. Design Methodlogy
4. Findings and Reports
5. Guiding Factors / Rational Improvemets

We were given the guideline of our project, then divided into our groups. I must add that it was a little mind boggling at first.

We began with consolidating both our Prefered and Actual WIHIC forms that we completed the day before. It took a little time to task our group of 7 personal but when we were optimalise by Serene, everything went like clockwork. The consiliadtion for the whole class was completed without a hitch, the Means, Standareds,Diviation. Realibility Ckecks and Scales followed. It was a little more difficult for me to grapsh at first as the lannguage was not what I was acustomed too. I had to ask several questions over and over again. My group was kind enough to lend a ear and explain the process flow to me.

On completing the second stage, we went on to confirm if there were sufficient differences between Actual and Prefered WIHIC forms. We used the Paired 'T' comparison procedure.

On a hold, The Gp project on the Learners perception of a learning environment" is appropriate for beginner to have a good understanding on how a individual could interprete and analyses his data. With reliable data collection and process through both Quantitative and Qualitative analyses, as menthioned above, will enable the researcher to justify his findings with strong and credible evidence.

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Gwen said...
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