Monday, June 16, 2008

Learning Envoronment - Day 1

This first day was an eye opener, as I found myself in unfamiliar ground. I now find myself Blogging which is somthing that my kids wanted to teach me but put off for so long, My lost I guess.
Section1 coverd Key Concepts in Understanding a Learning Environment.

The overview included:

1. Key components of LE
Consitutes of a LE envoronment.

2. Inter-relationships of Components of LE
Lewinian's formula and Murray's needs-press model.

3. Various Types of LE.
a. School LE
b. Classroom LE either Physical or a E-learning Envoronment.

4. We also touch on Community centered Learning where the extent of connection between teacher and pupil or a larger community was shared. ( Cognitive, Affective and Phycomotor)

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